I treat each person as an individual and make it clear that every individual has expertise and ultimate choice his/her own wellbeing.
I'm always looking for ways to more effectively help the people that come to me for help. I make a point of keeping up with international shiatsu research while further developing my skills and knowledge as a massage therapist.
I adapt my knowledge of massage therapy and shiatsu massage to the individual and take into account people's input as an integral part of my treatment.
I personalize the treatment so the optimum amount of therapeutic pressure is experienced according to each person's preference.
I work collaboratively with clients to come up with a treatment plan that helps them achieve their goals.
I offer self-care advice to clients who would like perform remedial exercises at home, in between sessions, in order to decrease pain and increase health.
Matias Rozenberg , R.M.T., Dipl. S.T., M.S.W.
Registered Massage Therapist
Licensed Shiatsu Massage Therapist
87 Wilson St.
(Near the intersection
of Wilson St. and James St. North)
Hamilton, ON
(cell) 289-489-2048
- By Appointment -